Saturday 7 September 2019

Assessment Strategies in Lessons

Assessment Strategies in Lessons 
PD Session - 7-9-19


Teacher has to maintain three main files.
  • Logbooks
  • DLP File.
  • CPT File

KWL Chart 

What is assessment?

How assessment is different from progression ?

I want to know what are the different strategies can be used for assessment?

When teachers asks the answers what teachers wrote in the “K” Column.
It should not be repeated by other groups.

Provides an opportunities 

Different kinds of assessment

AFL- Assessment For Learning.( Formative Assessment) FA
AOL - Assessment of Learning
AAL - Assessment As Learning - Self Reflection
Students ask themselves about their learning.
When to assess…

At the start of the lesson. (questioning is an effective and easy way to assess prior
During the lesson
End of the lesson.

Various Assessment Strategies in Lesson

Starter Strategies 

1- A to Z Chart
Students write what are the keywords they know about this topic.
For example - Photosynthesis ( variety of words related to this topic, Arrange from A to Z )

In language - it can be used to increase vocabulary
To teach synonyms

2- Anticipation Guide

Starter or End of the lesson

Giving statements at first.
Let students fill agree of Disagree ( Before ) 
Later They read the lesson 
They fill after policy ( Agree / Disagree) 

If they agree / disagree .. Why ? They need to explain the reasons

When we give video
Before watching and after watching the video

3- Classroom Mingle

It can be used as a revision strategy
Before introducing new material

4- Consensogram

5- Entry Ticket
6- Discover the mistakes
Eg- Wikipedia editing
Blog works

6- If/ Then statements

7- Red Herring OR Choose the odd one out.

8 - Red Herring OR Choose the odd one out

9- Find someone who

10. Write the Room

11. Carousel.

12. For Corners

13. Whip Around.

14. Total Physical Response.

Give word - And act / Demonstrate it

15- Graphic Organizers
It can be used to check previous knowledge
End of the lesson

1- Venn Diagram ( Similarities in Centre)
2 T Chart
3 Comparison Matrix

Event 1
Even 2
Event 3
Example 1

4 Analogy Organizer
5 Character Map
6 Prediction matrix
What I predict will happen Cluses that I used 
7 Card / Word sorts
8 T Chart
Singluar Plural
It can be 4 column
9. Story map
10. Concept map
11. Mind maps
12. Guided Notes

KWL Charts

LINK Strategies

One minute Note

One minute Sentence

Triangle Square Circle

It is Closure Strategies

14- Quiz Quiz Trade


15 -
Three questions
Two interesting things
1 Question they still have

16 - 

18 - Study Cards

19- Popsicle Sticks

20. Student Response Cards


List out strategies that can be used an opening activities ?
Ask to class.

List out strategies that can be used to check understanding.

Any Questions ?

Use this terminology in your lesson plan
Eg: Using 3-2-1 strategies students write……

See progression in our lesson plan

We need to feel that I have grown as a teacher .


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