Teaching strategies
Strategy is a form of a plan
strategies and activities are different.
“The right thought effort and action make wonders in the classroom”
1- Cooperative learning.
Small group of students work together on a common task with or without specific role assignments.
Teacher has to decide - Heterogeneous group, Homogeneous group
Positive interdependence
Individual and group accountability..
Increase self-esteem of students
* Carousel
It can be used in any point of time in a class
Sharing of perspective
- Give a chart paper which contains topic/ questions
- They write down responses
- Then give to other group and they discuss the answers of other groups
- They discuss the topic further and responds.
- Each group writes with a different marker.
- The last group to work at each chart presents the information on that chart to that chart to the entire class.
B. Jigsaw
Students work in expert group and share their findings back in their home groups.
C- Debate
D- Brainstorming
E- Think Pair Share.
Give time to think
Tell them to pair up
Let them share ( Snow balling)
F- PMI ( Plus Minus Interesting )
Helps students to examine all sides of an idea topic or argument and to take a stance after analyzing it from all angles.
Plus - Benefits
Minus - Downsides
Interesting - Interesting points coming up in the dicsussion.
Teacher present topic .
Studetns reflect on it
Teacher initiates an open discussion. Students use plus minus interesting template to record information suitably during the discussion.
Teacher facilitates a compare and contrast segment among the peers of the PMIs they have made.
II- Inquiry based instruction
III- Dual coding
IV- Note Taking
- Non linear note taking ( mind maps, spidergrams,etc
- Charting ( difference, similarities, arrage under specific headings/ sections
- Cornell notes
V - Convergent & Divergent Thinking
Open end question
When you ask open ended questions you give a chance to get many answers in to one as convergent.
Start with information and leads students to a single solution.
To arrive at right formula/ equation/
To sequence the content.
Questions begin with “Who” when, Where etc.
These all have only one solution.
Divergent Thinking
It encourages students to think differently and paves the way for multiple responses.
VI - FLIPPED Classroom
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