Go to class with a smile
Quote – on ssc by Clement Mok. ( is it not rocket science. It’s a social science.
Simulation method.
Simplified version of real world situation.
Topics like – morality, democracy, patriotism, leadership etc…
Historical simulation
Simulation activities
Simulation games
Historical simulation ( For eg: Shekha Kapoor)
Dramatizatons in which past incidents are relieved and real characters portrayed.
Simulation activities
Simulation games
Role play (Spontaneous ) == Differences
Dramatizations (based on script)
Laboratory method
Inquiry / discovery method
Encourage divergent thinking….
Eg- students can be required to find out the reasons for fuel shortage in the country.
Project method
Helping students with the vast content.
- Pre teach key vocabulary with appropriate definition/ explanations.
- Chunk matter into manageable bits of information.
- Represent relevant information in graphic organizers.
The Fakebook Strategy
Create fake FB page for a person of importance.
Storyboard teaching
“If history were taught in the form of stories … ( Rudyard Kliping)
Why learn social studies ?
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