Tuesday, 3 November 2020

WikiCite Conference


Wednesday, 30 September 2020


SELECT ?image 



  SELECT ?item



    SERVICE <https://query.wikidata.org/sparql>


      ?item wdt:P39 wd:Q11696 .  # position held: President of the United States



} AS %get_items



  INCLUDE %get_items

  ?image wdt:P180 ?item .

  FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?image rdfs:label ?label. FILTER (LANG(?label) = "ml") }


Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Constructive feedback


Sunday, 20 September 2020

Map of railway stations


Sunday, 13 September 2020

Starting with one "Word" Find in different items in wiki


Thursday, 20 August 2020

CPD Session on Assessment - KHDA

 A PPT has been attached  here

Wednesday, 1 July 2020


((( Dear children, Summer Vacation is here. Holidays are a well deserved opportunity to relax and unwind by indulging in activities that are pleasurable and at the same time educative. Definitely you all are excited about your holidays, but in addition, give equal importance to study. Keeping into consideration that your Mid-Term Chapters are starting right after the vacation, your teachers have framed the holiday’s assignment so that you are well prepared for your next lessons. 
All the Best!!! 
Happy Holidays..........
Class Teacher  )))

1.Learning objectives and following learning domains must be considered. 
  • Cognitive: mental skills (knowledge)
  • Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (attitude or self)
  • Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (skills)
2. Activities should be based on forthcoming portions. 
3. Try to integrate UAE SST with Social Studies 
4. Minimum 1 activity is required .( We can give more than one if required. Give importance of subject enrichment activity  Other  Activities Can Be Used To Develop The Students’ Psychomotor Skills )
5. Try to bring out interesting activities
6.This activity can be used as our subject enrichment activity ( Refer. CBSE guidelines)
7. For each classes separate table are given below.
8.Coordinators have to finalise the activities ( 3 only ) For our convenience last year activities are shared with you. Kindly modify accordingly.

Feel free to contribute and subject section coordinators have to finalise the same. 

Let us see your creative and innovative ideas.

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

The Portuguese and the United Arab Emirates

A video lesson for grade 9 students on the topic, The Portuguese and the United Arab Emirates.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Video lesson for Grade 9 Students

A video is prepared for grade 9 Students .

The topic - Sale of Surplus Farm Products non-Farm Activities in Palampur

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Learning - Distance brings us closer

Learning - Distance brings us closer

When we began the distance learning in Dubai ,we had received few queries from IT professionals & teachers from various schools regarding the conduction of distance learning. How did you begin the teaching- learning activities? Which are the applications do you use? How were the responses from parents and teachers? Even teachers and students were curious about how things would shape up. So I thought to share video tutorials about few applications which will be useful for teachers and students.
That would help the teachers to develop professionally in the field of e-learning, video conferencing and live streaming with the students.
Here I would like to share those link.


Sunday, 15 March 2020

FREE online education resources

A non-exhaustive list that might help those affected by school closures due to coronavirus, compiled by home educators.
Feel free to share.

Khan Academy
Especially good for maths and computing for all ages but other subjects at Secondary level. Note this uses the U.S. grade system but it's mostly common material.

BBC Learning
This site is old and no longer updated and yet there's so much still available, from language learning to BBC Bitesize for revision. No TV licence required except for content on BBC iPlayer.

Free to access 100s of courses, only pay to upgrade if you need a certificate in your name (own account from age 14+ but younger learners can use a parent account).

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

First Online Class : Exciting beginning...endless possibilities!!!

Schools and universities are closed across the UAE for four weeks as a preventive measure to limit possible transmission of coronavirus. Today we  began our Virtual classes to the high school students and it was a new experience for all teachers and students without any technical glitches. Students were seated in their home infront of the Tab & laptops. Teachers were at school and taught them using Google Classroom, Zoom, Quzizz, edpuzzle and other Apps . I think this will be a transition period in the educational sector in which virtual classes will be futuristic way of learning preferred by many students because of flexibility, timing, convenience and potential for collaboration, not only with peers in school but also students globally. Les us see how will be the impact of the same.

Saturday, 7 March 2020

Human Settlements have no Lables in Ar - UAE

This is a qurey to find out all places which do not have labels in Arabic

#no label
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?itemLabel_ar?itemDesc_ar
  ?item wdt:P17 wd:Q878;
        wdt:P31 wd:Q486972.
  filter not exists {?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel_ar . filter(lang(?itemLabel_ar)="ar")}
  optional {?item schema:description ?itemDesc_ar . filter(lang(?itemDesc_ar)="ar")}
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Find out Bus stops using Sophox

Here I was trying to find out  the bus stops near my locality using WD with the help of OSM.
Mr. Markus Göllnitz  has guided me to find it .
He has introduced for me https://sophox.org/ for the same.
He I just tried to find the bus stops near Sharjah Rollah Area. With radious 5 Km.

Here I have used longitude and latitude respectively.

(Long- 55.4040 space latitude 25.3440 ) First four letters after the points.

select ?station ?name ?coordinates ?rgb where {
  service wikibase:around {
    ?station osmm:loc ?location.
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:center "Point(55.4010 25.3449)"^^geo:wktLiteral; # use "[AUTO_COORDINATES]" for automatic coordinate detection
                    wikibase:radius "5". # measured in km

Saturday, 22 February 2020

Effective Question preparation- MCQ

1. Can we see the MCQ is defective ?

MCQ has 2 parts.
1 Stem ( question part)
2 Alternatives ( options)

Plausible distractors
Refer to the incorrect  / inferior alternatives
Identify commons errors of student thinking or application.

Principles of MCQ construction

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Revision lesson plan - Grade 9 CBSE

We always prepare many lesson plan, unfortunately which is not coming out of the teachers laptop.So that sharing and collaborating is not happening among the teachers. Once you share and receive opinion from others , if it is valued and reliable it will be worthy and helpful for teachers professional development. Here I just share one of my lesson plans prepared for revision class.
Feel free to comment to improve this plan.

To view the full lesson plan in google docs

Saturday, 15 February 2020

Technology in Classroom -

Technology in Education-
Reference and courtesy to Mrs Smriti Shekhawat

Why ?

  • Engage
  • Understanding of concept
  • Improve retention
  • Gain mastery of concepts
  • Evaluate information critically ( fakes vs facts)
  • To prepare them for life beyond school 
  • Collaborate with people ( Students exchanges - Skype education)

Some useful websites and software are listed below

  1. Immersive reader / word 
    1. Onedrive, box, google drive
    2. Can use to read the text / highlight adjectives 
  2. Annotating PDF
    1. Highlight / circle / 
    2. Use comment section in Adobe reader
  3. Ms word
    1. Review - Thresure 
    2. Track changes in ms word
    3. To create news letter
    4. Poster, infographic
  4. Sway

Sunday, 19 January 2020

TLS Questions - 18-1-2020

  1. Readiness theory -  Learner cognitive style
  2. How does bully affect ? Self Esteem
  3. If teacher importance for perfection than participation ?  Learning time will increase
  4. What resources were used for project? What type of questions ?- Clarifying questions.
  5. Beginner – Capable- Expert ? Proficiency level / performance indicator
  6. What is high expectations? Asking students to achieve learning goals.
  7. You need to handle ? – I know you can do this.
  8. Learning which difficulty ?  - It is not a issue with brain ability to process information.
  9. Learning style of a student who is able remember names forget shapes and distract by sound. Which is his LD ? Auditory/ kinesthetic.
  10. Why does teacher arrange seating as Row ? – Attention towards teacher
  11. In chemistry lab – danger experiments ? Solution is Demonstration by teacher
  12. Most demotivation during lesson ? In sufficient previous knowledge
  13. Which one is not helping to foster innovation ? – Conducting self reflection.
  14. Agree, Disagree- Strongly agree, Calculation ? Total 10 marks

Saturday, 4 January 2020

Experimental project with OSM AND WD

would like to introduce OSM and Wikidata for the High School students ( Grade 7-10 ) (Ages 12 - 18) in UAE.

Let me know your valuable suggestions / ideas / opinion to improve this activity.

My plan is as follows. Students will be asked to open the following link. https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WikiShootMe

Find out the places near their home / landmarks / any other things which is not included in OSM / Wikidata. Create item in Wikidata.

Next day, upload images of such WD items So, i think there will be contributions from students side in both OSM & WD .

This plan has few limitations now which i observed. Which are following.
How to identify the places which are not included in OSM / WD ?

My learning objectives are as follows..

Students will be able to find out the Latitudes & longitude of their location.

2- Able to calculate the distance from their locations to Tropic of Cancers/ tropic of Capricorn

3- Able to mark & label landmarks of their near living places.

4- Able to find out landmark ( near their Home), which are not included in wikidata & osm And create items for them.

Duration of the time : 2 days

Markus Göllnitz:
Akbarali Charankav
My learning objectives are as follows.. Students will be able to find out the Latitudes & longitude of their location. 2- Able

Maybe then SPARQL is to much if you have to start at teaching the concept of spherical coordinate systems. Maybe finding missing addresses with StreetComplete and add photos of heritage listed buildings to Wikimedia Commons and (linking to those from Wikidata and linking Wikidata from OpenStreetMap?) might be two things from which students could understand OpenStreetMap and start valuing and appriciating those open geo data it provides. I think most import besides being able to do those things is to understand why it matters and to whom and how they may benefit from it.
Maybe at the end add a review of how different OSM based tools start to display/route/function differently due to your students influences. As a student I would appreciate that part.
Either way: Hope you will be successful with your course and goals. The work a teacher puts into those is always – in my experience – underappreciated.